Simple Wands

Simple Wands (1.20) Add-On

Simple Wands

Created By Pungo49

Minecraft version checked:1.20.51✅
⚠️Turn on experiments in map settings!

Placing torches from afar, mining wide areas instantly, dealing magical area damage to enemies, summoning magical creatures… These are just few examples of what you can do with this addon! Simple wands is for you who wants to add a touch of magic to your Minecraft.

For now, Simple wands adds around 120+ itens, most of them are magical wands, batons and scepters with very different recipes, powers and effects. Wands are focused on an offensive approach, batons are focused on defense, heal, control and utilities, and scepters are focused on summoning allies to help you out.

Wands are divided on two categories, with their respective symbols (you can check the category in the wand’s name, in-game, by the symbol):

☼ Primary – Those wands are the ones focused on continuous damage, with lower cooldown. They are your main source of damage.

☄ Secondary – Those wands are focused on burst damage. They inflicts lots of damage, usually on a wide area, but with a longer cooldown.

Wands on same categories share the same cooldown. Example: using a 15s cooldown secondary wand, will make you wait 15s to use any other secondary wand.

Batons are divided on three categories, by which you can check in their names in-game:

♥ Support – Batons which main purpose is to heal or to buff yourself and allies.

☉ Control – Batons that can favor you and allies by controlling and limiting enemies.

☊ Utility – Batons that are focused only on making your gameplay easier.

Batons on same categories share the same cooldown. Example: using a 15s cooldown support baton, will make you wait 15s to use any other support baton.

Important note on scepters: Never use your scepter if it’s about to break. Most summons won’t attack you as long as you have your scepter. If your scepter breaks and there are summons alive, they might target you!

Scepters are divided on three categories, by which you can check in their names in-game:

⌛ Temporary – Entities summoned by those scepters have a set time range to disappear.

☍ Permanent – Entities summoned by those scepters are permanent.

♖ Towers – Scepters that summons permanent and immobile towers with various effects.

Temporary scepters doesn’t share the same cooldown. Permanent and Towers do share.

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