VerseCrafter: Eternal Envy
VerseCrafter: Eternal Envy is the third map in a series of adventure and puzzle maps where you as a player will go on a journey through your own memories and try to unlock the forgotten. By completing the previous two maps you’ve successfully passed two memory gates but you’re not done yet. The next challenge requires you to conquer the emotion of “Greed”. As a whole, it’s a fun and experimental adventure with an intriguing storyline.
Creator/Writer: Cheete
Builders: Cheete, Alexiler, Egaland
Ren Harrow is a man whom has lost all of his memories, and must now pass seven gates each one being an emotional aspect, to reach the Hall of Memories to find himself again..
So far he has passed two gates so far and now he must conquer the emotion of “Greed” to exceed yet another trial to reach the next gate of his memories. With just five gates left things are getting darker by the minute..
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