More Totems Addon
This addon adds Totems that give you effects and abilities related to their mob, Being useful for your survival, without being broken and ruining the experience.
All the totems have crafts, uses and you can wear it.
Iron golem totem:
Increase your life bar to 100 HP
Vindicator totem:
Gives force effect.
Baby zombie totem:
Gives speed effect
Shulker totem:
Gives levitation effect
Guardian totem:
Gives water breathing effect.
Elder guardian totem:
Gives conduit power effect.
Chicken totem:
Gives slow falling effect.
Magma cube totem:
Gives fire resistance effect.
Adventurer totem:
Gives speed, slow falling, night vision and jump boost effect.
Miner totem:
Gives haste effect.
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