
M Structures (1.12 , 1.14 , 1.16) Add-On

M Structures

*Activate the experimental gameplay and education edition, to work correctly

ndpack : Adds a Pack of Diamond Items to your inventory.

/function e/goldpack : Adds a Pack of Gold Items to your inventory.

/function e/ironpack : Adds a Pack of Iron Items to your inventory.

/function e/starterpack : Add a pack of items to start your survival!

/function e/stonepack : Adds a Pack of Stone Items to your inventory.

/function e/woodpack : Adds a Pack of Wood Items to your inventory.

/function e/creeper_charged : Spawn the electrocuted creeper.

/function e/fly_on : Enables the option to fly in survival.

(need to activate the education edition option)

/function e/fly_off : Disables the option to fly in survival.

(need to activate the education edition option)

/function e/night_vision : Activates infinite night vision.

/function e/kill_a : Kill all players and mobs.

/function e/instant_healing : It heals quickly.

/function e/clear : Clear your inventory and potions effects.

/function e/zombie_villager : Spawn zombie villager.

/function e/skeleton_h_t : Spawn 4 skeleton horsemen.

/function e/ravager_frwer : Spawn an evoker riding ravager.

/function e/ravager_sfrwpr : Spawn a pillager riding ravager, but the pillager drops special loot upon death.

/function e/ravager_swpcr : Spawn a pillager riding ravager, but the pillager is raid captain.

/function e/ravager_swpr : Spawn a pillager riding ravager.

/function e/ravager_swvcr : Spawn a vindicator riding ravager, but the vindicator is raid captain.

/function e/ravager_swvr : Spawn a vindicator riding ravager.

/function e/ender_crystal : Spawn ender crystal in world.

/function e/barrier : Give 64 barrier in your inventory.

/function e/xp : Gives a large amount of experience to you.

/function e/explode_sound : Plays an explosion sound.

/function e/weather_t_s : Plays a thunder sound.

/function e/stop_sounds : To stop all sounds for all players.

/function e/baby_fox : Spawn baby fox in world.

/function e/baby_turtle : Spawn baby turtle in world.

/function e/baby_polar_b : Spawn baby polar bear in world.

/function e/freeze_mobs : Freezes all mobs near you.

/function e/invisibility : Becomes invisible infinitely.

/function e/stray_ranged : Spawn stray is in ranged mode.

/function e/rabbit_d : Spawn desert rabbit.

/function e/rabbit_s : Spawn snow rabbit.

/function e/pig_saddled : Spawn pig with saddle.

/function e/llama_w_c : Spawn llama with chest.

/function e/mule_saddled : Spawn mule saddled.

/function e/mule_w_c : Spawn mule with chest.

/function e/donkey_saddled : Spawn donkey saddled.

/function e/donkey_w_c : Spawn donkey with chest.

/function e/no_hungry : You don’t feel hungry anymore.

/function e/lightning : Lightning appears in front of you.

/function e/clear_drops : All items on the floor will disappear.

/function e/baby_z : Spawn baby zombie in world.

/function e/p_captain : Spawn pillager captain in world.

/function e/adm_pack : Gives you admin items.

/function e/unfreeze_mobs : Unfreeze the mobs, by requests.

/function e/end_of_m : Teleports you to the end of the map.

/function e/powered_s : You get a very strong sword.

/function e/powered_p : You get a very strong pickaxe.

/function e/archerpack : Gives you archer equipment.

/function e/powered_t : You get a very strong trident.

/function e/powered_cb : You get a very strong crossbow.

/function e/powered_shovel : You get a very strong shovel.

/function e/powered_fd : You get a very strong fishing rod.

/function e/powered_a : You get a very strong axe.

/function e/powered_b : You get a very strong bow.

/function e/p_essential : Gives you the best potions.

/function e/void : Remove all blocks below you, which leads to the void.

/function e/100chicken : Spawn 100 chicken.
/function e/200chicken : Spawn 200 chicken.
/function e/300chicken : Spawn 300 chicken.
/function e/100cow : Spawn 100 cow.
/function e/200cow : Spawn 200 cow.
/function e/300cow : Spawn 300 cow.

/function e/lag : spawn 1000 turtles in world.

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