Instabase 2.0
Instantly build a fully equipped, mobile castle base or underground bunker to use in your survival or creative worlds. Great for keeping away from mobs, surviving pillager raids, or battling against friends in a base each.
This add-on gives you one of two fully setup bases:
Base 1 – A complete underground survival bunker with more than just comforts. An underground farm, library, storage and mini kitchen, bedroom, double fishtanks, and more.
Base 2- A major update to the castle base.
Step 1. type in chat : /function setup (this will drop a command block for you to fill.
Step 2 add to command block: function baseloop | then set to “repeat” and “always active”
Step 3 – Stand in front of command block and type in chat: /function start

Download Instabase 2.0 for free