Fishy’s Marvellous Vanilla Pack
This pack includes:
-Animated textures(such as waving grass, torches and leaves)
-Colormaps that go beyond the regular monitor colour range so people with hdr displays can experience Minecraft vegetation like nothing before(you can still see the new colours if just not the full colour range if you have a regular display)
-Smoother and clearer water
-Full spectrum enchantment glint
-Glowing MC logo
-Full grass and grass path sides
-Better end portal colours and dimensional depth
-Better end sky
-Edge highlighting on most particles
-Different brightness in clouds
-Sun that glows
-Better rain
-Foggy moon with a more realistic colour(unlike the regular blueish moon)
-Smoother paintings
-Better biome colouring and sunset and sunrise

Download Fishy’s Marvellous Vanilla Pack for free