
DyingDayZ Apocalypse (1.19 , 1.20) Add-On

DyingDayZ Apocalypse

Created By Menkrep P
⚠️Turn on experiments in map settings!

The Wasteland biome replaced desert biome and turn it into dirt dead surface with black ash as a polution, there are some creature that only spawn in this biome thay will be described below.

In this post apocalyptic world you have to arms yourselves in order to survives, down are description of all guns.

This pistol deals high damage and low fire rates, have 8 rounds/mag, perfect for you to clean your way through infected.

Damage : 20
Bullet : 8
Inspect Animation : No

A common weapon that deals enough damage to help you to make your way through infected

Damage : 12
Bullets : 12
Inspect Animation : No

3. HK G36C
I like this one so much.. this gun looks sexy on tpp for me:) Only obtainable by buying it from hazmat soldier (entity) that only be found at desert (wasteland) biome.

Damage :18
Bullet : 30
Attachment : Laser, M203, Tactical Scope, Holographic Scope, & Suppressor
Inspect Animation : Yes

4. HK417
Rifle that have highest damage on this addon but low ammo, and also high recoil too.

Damage : 22
Bullet : 25
Attachment : Foregrip, M203, Laser, Tactical Scope, Holographic Scope, & Suppressor.
Inspect Animation : 2 (loaded & not)

5. AUG A3
This rifle have the lowest recoil in this addon, good to wipe out infected too.. also a flashlight added on this gun. best used at night time.

Damage : 18
Bullet : 30
Attachment : Tactical Scope, Holographic Scope, Flashlight, & Suppressor
Inspect Animation : Yes

6. Striker-12
The only shotgun in this addon very low fire rate but good damage.. only for this gun, you have to sneak while holding the gauge shells in your off-hand then hold/use the item to reload 1 by 1 Maybe i will add more shotgun in the next update.

Damage : 25
Bullet : 12
Inspect Animation : No

7. Vector
First gun that has been made in this addon, this gun is underated:v but still more usefull than glock..

Damage : 15
Bullet : 30
Inspect Animation : No

8. Tactile
A hunter sniper rifle that deals massive damage, recomended to fight special infected from far away Now fixed the scope

Damage : 50
Bullet : 8 (single shot)
Inspect Animation : NO

9. Minigun
Heavy gun that shoot massive bullet and deals great damage in a row, you can easily fight special zombies with this gun and wiped out all small infected.

Damage : 25
Bullet : 250
Inspect Animation : OF COURSE NO!

Only for this gun, you have to craft it by placing ammo box and empty minigun for reload.. there is no reload animation.

For now, there are only 3 throwable item, more throwable like a molotov is coming soon

1. Grenade
Explode after 3 second touching grass

2. Smoke
Perfect to blend other players and make Witch (infected) scare

3. Flashbang
Explode and caused very loud and annoying sound after 3-4 sec on the ground, give all entity in radius 8 block blind and slowness effect for 6 second, also work on all entity, perfect for you who buying time to escape from infected or other player in multiplayer.

Now for the entity description, im not descripting so detail like animation such a skill animation, reload animation and more, you can find it by yourself by trying this addon on your own world. And all vanilla minecraft entity were removed to make this addon more apocalyptic + we have a fog so better keep your eye from entity behind the fog.

Infected & Civiliant
A normal infected that spawn from the ground just like someone waking up from a grave, they can also eat and infect dead civiliant and turn it become one of them.

2. Deer
The only animal who life in this apocalypse world, (i will add more animals more) it will drop venison raw meat once killed and you can cook the venison into cooked venison, dont try to eat raw venison too much or you can get hunger and nausea effect.

He will run once he saw human so you may hunt him using weapon, and carefull even infected will try to eat his meat too
Health : 30
Spawn : Overworld (execpt desert/wasteland)
Drop : venison and leather

Kamikaze (Special Infected)
There are 3 types of kamikaze this giant infected has high health point and drop skull before explodes that you can trade it with civiliant to earn money.

Normal Kamikaze
When he is on low health his barrel will set on fire and try to catch you before explode, carefull cuz he more fast when his barrel start to explode.

Chemical Kamikaze
Same like normal kamikaze but this one have chemical barrel which is spread radiation effect after explode.. he will spread green radiation smoke when blew up. Use hazmat helmet to protect yourself from poisonus radiation.

Poisoned Kamikaze
Thus kamikaze will not blow up when start to death, but he can spit contaminated zat from his mouth.

Health : 300 (All)
Spawn : Overworld
Drops : Kamikaze Skull
More types of kamikaze are coming soon!

Protect civiliant from infected, they will help you to defeat all infected using his mighty vector, he can also stab his enemies when the target are very close to him, he can also have reload animation each 30 shoot cuz his weapon only have 30bullet/mag

Carefull because he can turned into infected soldier too after death then eaten by infected. And have knockback resistance when became infected
Health : 45 (both)
Spawn : Overworld

Infected Juggernaut and Juggernaut
Lets start from juggernaut first, he bring minugun and shoot every infected in front of him and when the target is close he can punch and give knockback area damage to his enemy, he can also reload but rarely cuz he have many bullet in his pocket.

There are various loot and each loot have diffrent item like a ammo box, weapon box, medkit and food box.. there also 3 lockers level 1 lockers need a lock pick to open and sometimes when u try to open the lockpick will broken and for level 2 and level 3 lockers need a keycard, but its kinda hard, sometimes your acces denied but dont worry, you will not lose your keycard before you can open it, just press it again and again till access granted and get your loot

Tactical nuke from simple warfare 2.. its now a block, once placed he will summon a target which is will be the target nuke deployed, to set the target just tap the tac nuke until you get the right position and to deploy nuke sneak while holding nothing then tap the nuke.. in few second the nuke will deployed right at the target choosed

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