Have you ever wanted brand new decorative blocks that you can use in your survival world?DecoBuild adds 240 new decorative blocks to the game these are all craftable!
We Have Added Functions As Listed Below
/function giveallendbricks
/function giveallbricks
/function giveallhospitalwalls
/function giveallhospitalwalls2
/function giveallcheckeredfloors
/function giveallcolouredplanks
/function giveallcolouredlogs
/function giveallcolouredcarvedlogs
/function giveallstainedplanks
/function giveall1colouredplanks
/function giveallcolouredglowstone
/function giveallcolouredlamps
/function giveallcarvedpumpkins
/function giveallcarvedpumpkinslit
/function giveallsealanterns
/function giveallshroomlights