
Caps and Hats (1.16) Add-On

Caps and Hats

There are 9 caps/hats that are added as of now, with more to come.

Eggscellent Cap
+Saturation II, (10 Minutes)

Mining Helmet
+ Night Vision II, (10 Minutes)
+Haste II, (10 Minutes)

Baseball Helmet
+ Strength II, (10 Minutes)

+Absorption III, (2 Minutes)

Sheriff Hat
+Swiftness II, (2 Minutes)

Shogun Helmet (Based off Pixel Gun 3D)
+Jump Boost II, (2 Minutes)

+Fire Resistance II, (3 Minutes)

Surgical Mask
+Regeneration II, (2 Minutes)

Santa Hat
+Slow Falling III, (2 Minutes)

Hold the hat that you would want to wear and long press. (Like how you would be eating).

💡How to obtain
Method 1: Craft them using the crafting recipes from above.
Method 2: Use /give commands,

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