Auto-Miner (1.17) Add-On
The Auto-Miner is an autonomous robot assistant specializing in the removal and transportation of blocks.
Interacting with the machine using the provided Wrench item will allow it to change its rotation state
Shift interacting with the Wrench item will return the machine to its spawn egg state, allowing it to be picked back up
Interacting with the machine using the provided ON/OFF item will turn the machine on
Shift interacting with the ON/OFF item will turn the machine back off
The Auto-Pump is used as a relay point for transporting blocks from the Auto-Miners location
Only one (1) pump can exist on a world at a time, attempting to spawn a second pump will despawn the first
The Auto-Wagon is used to trail behind the Auto-Miner, this machine will automatically path-find to the nearest Miner and can be ridden by the player
Interacting with the machine using a lever will enable its pilot mode allowing the player to manually pilot the machine.